Custom Cocktails for the End Times officially launched on April 16th. Thank you everyone who helped make this website come to fruition and continue to keep me busy during these very possible end of days. I say possible because so much is changing. The brew that is this country’s chaotic burning mess is no longer a secret recipe passed down from generation to generation. Our not-so-secret ancestral sauce to living in a free country is violence and inequity. We are a country exposed, full of angry and confused individuals being condescended to by bickering politicians. We are feeling cagey and the pandemic is not looking good for us.

that poets give to sleep.”
(p.228, Circe)
Some of you know I enjoy reading Tarot once in a while. One card I think about often these days is Death. Not trying to be morbid here. Death in tarot equates more to the idea of upheaval and big changes. The death of something or someone is a single catastrophic moment and is naturally the greatest trigger of change. The idea of the death of sexism or the idea of the death of racism inspires people so much more than a scandalous headline that goes nowhere and becomes just a temporal inconvenience for those who have money to make it go away. But a single moment in time doesn’t just appear. It is stitched into the fabric of our reality amongst multitudes of others and when we learn to see how all these others matter and relate to our single moments, we better understand stories for what they are. This is how death and change become a little less apocalyptic and more holistic. Tarot is so much more about metaphor and re-telling the many stories of forever to better understand the future than it is about literal imagery. That is why I enjoy reading them. That is why it is called reading tarot.
Thank you especially to Julie and Rachel for encouraging this venture, for setting everything in motion and for being there for me. I have loved having so many new and familiar people taking the time to share their home inventories with me so that I could create custom cocktails from afar. Keep it coming! I want to keep creating, to keep reading, to keep teaching, to keep feeling inspired, to keep adapting and to keep doing something purposeful. Also, my cat needs to stay fed, feel safe and purr often.