At long last, my vaccine envy has been sated as of last Thursday. And now I await my two week period culminating in full efficacy with all the hopes of a new chapter unfolding in this very odd world. Oh to travel, play pool, socialize without the super high possibility of accidentally killing people or myself. Leading up to the shot, I have to say, I was pretty nervy having heard so much about fevers, chills, bad spells, albeit all temporary and worth it. I must have queried dozens of friends on their exact experience, my ears erect like a cat’s taking in all the information. I fully expected to go down but still had hopes that my long inert super powers would suddenly kick in, as if they only needed the right vaccine trigger to waken and make me immune to unsavory side effects. No go, alas. Nine hours in, I started to get a mild headache. I made sure to drink plenty of water and coconut water at regular intervals. At one point, I was still in denial that it would get worse because my hydration game was just so very strong. SUCH HUBRIS. Coming out of the night’s sleep, I found my mind dancing a bit everywhere. I was pretty out of it. It seemed like a good idea to write. So I did, until I couldn’t.
Echoes, reverberations
A mind spinning hears distantly
Outside grasping for within
As bright lights pock-mark one’s journey
On this, the quest for breakfast.

Fino Sherry, Rinquinquin, Mezcal, orange bitters
Mild throbbing tiny drummer
Recruiting band-mates
Re-evaluating pressure points
Dismissing stressful points
A repetitive inclination
Assumes steer of the great ship
For we are great
AND heavy, sluggish, unsure
The comfort of constancy a beacon
Bleary weary malaise
Amidst the dreaded turmoil
Slow motion maelstrom
Like a vessel, we immerse ourselves
For water is life and beyond

Proper assessment of limbs
One of two blurry furries
Sneezes across the boundless ocean
My heart is sad, for I have no legs
Sea legs
Faux focus
Struggling to create time
One step, two step, three
The passage of one is all we can be

When I stand I am livid with ache
Supine I am vivid in imagery
My eyes shut
I am in an arena, empty, vast
A tingling wave rises with no audio
If I were a dog, I’d be Old Yeller
So many echos
In one howl
I wash ashore reading
Time travelling in associative memory
Zero control of the reigns
Dropped them after the first bit
Clinging to this and that
Slipping from college to childhood to last week
Can we ever know the future
When we visit as such
I think yes
Chaos will send us
If we let go
And breathe
And listen
And sense
And write to remember
In between the motions

The bottle cap is off
A weightless sensation of fairy dust floats
Aeroplane mode
A sense of lift, a miracle of air
Perpendicular hope
With parallel drag
A cabin pressurized, packed, fuzzy
Breathing in the lullaby
Jet lagged into oblivion
Sounding points, lacking schemes
A trip so frenetic
After the crash
I am fine
With exceptions
Because sleep brings obliteration